Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Recital Time............

It is that time of year that I have dreaded ever since I was nine. Come spring time you knew that Mrs. Smith was planning her recital and at any lesson she would let you know that you didn't have to play in the recital,but she really wanted you to. I was able to get out of it for a couple years until my mom started taking lessons and if she played at the recital I really had no excuse not to play. That year I believe I play The Little Church in the Wildwood, which I remember wanting to play because I could play it REALLY fast and also that Mrs. Smith didn't care for it that much. She did get her revenge though.........

Well now it is my turn to be in the teachers position,and it isn't any easier. This year is really hard since I have more families to try and work a recital around their schedule. Then trying to make up a program,and not to mention listening to the same songs for about 4 weeks.......Mrs. Smith used to tell me that it was as hard for her if not harder being the teacher,and I used to wonder why. I now am just amazed that that she would organize 2 recitals with about 20 students in both. That is quite a feat.
In the end though listening to the kids play,and seeing the rewards of their practicing and hard work, it is worth it.......


Andrew said...

Amen, I hated recitals....and I always will as long as I'm the one performing.

jamin said...

How about if you have to sit though them.......I know you don't care for that either.

Anonymous said...

lol sounds like ... um fun? haha wait is andrew one of your students????????????????????? Or is he speaking from past experiences?


jamin said...

Speaking from past experience....

Anonymous said...

oh, yes. I remember recitals... 'nough said

Kelly said...

I remember Andrew's recital!!! What was that song.... God Bless America or something....

Kevin was right there with you and his hymn that he started over and over and over....

I messed up too. I think Jamin was the only one that didn't. What a year. Glad there's no more recitals for me!

Kelly said...

I remember Andrew's recital!!! What was that song.... God Bless America or something....

Kevin was right there with you and his hymn that he started over and over and over....

I messed up too. I think Jamin was the only one that didn't. What a year. Glad there's no more recitals for me!

Kelly said...

Not sure why this was published twice... sorry.