Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I love it that so many people are trying to find jobs for me. It is very entertaining,but tiring having to answer soooooo many questions like: What do you want to do? Are you interested in anything? How about this job? Do you have any skills??????

So now I have so many options. I could be...... plumbers assistant, baker, substitute teacher, music teacher, and many more....

And then there are the real job offers. I have been asked to go back to gardening with my old boss. I will have to decline that one. Then I have an interview with a lady who needs an personal assistant. I'm not quite sure if she needs a assistant or nanny or both. What would a person who is both be called? Not quite sure........

But California is looking good right now,or if needs be Florida.........


The Ethan said...

hmmm tough!

Anonymous said...

a plumber's assistant? right, Jamin...could totally see you in that field. sure.

Good luck in your decision making! Keep praying :-)

jamin said...

The plumber is my uncle so it wouldn't be that bad.....yeah right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha...yes, I can see the headline now

"Assisstant Goes Certifiably Insane"

Bekah said...

Florida?? really???
Yes decisions are lots of fun!!

barefootkangaroo said...


Go west young lady...go west!