Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello from CA.......

Nathanael and I arrived safely in California.LA was a little hectic but not bad,and we were glad to see familiar faces. We have both adapted to the different time change, altitude,and weather. Although Nathanael had it easier since he didn't get the cold that I got.

Yesterday was my first day off,and I went to the beach with Jessica,Sarah and the kids. Oceanside was beautiful,and I had coconut shrimp for the first time at Joe's Crab Shack.Very good........It was a wonderful experience with the exception of a very nasty sunburn,but I'll get over that...... Well I need to think about heading back to the camp now to help cook for 215 campers. Miss everybody,and I hope all is going well. Till next time.........


Anonymous said...

Hey Jamin, Glad you had a good time. We miss you! Love, Mom

The Ethan said...

"Come back from California all of us here in Florida are starved for your attention..." Copeland said it first. So I thought I would share that because we all miss you here. I hope all is well with you and the Nathanial. Tell him I say hi!

Anonymous said...

Jamin, Ethan's right. We do all miss you, Saylor included. He chowed down a couple of treats tonight when we visited him.
Love, Mom

The Ethan said...

We just got a job doing the website, business cards and stationary for this company who runs a horse spa thing. They do salt water baths for high end horse clients. Its C-Horse Hydrotherapy llc. in west Rutland. I thought of you when we got the job. Have you heard of these guys?