Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On Friday, Kelly and Daniel moved into a cute little house in Brandon. That morning Kelly,her sister Kacie,and I went and did a lot of major cleaning in the new house before Daniel came with all of their belongings. It was quite a job,especially since they are just house sitting,and the actual owners still have a lot of their belongings in the house. Anyways, I brought my camera but the only pictures I took were of Micaiah.He was very happy when everything was clean,and he was free to roam.


The Ethan said...

Those are some eyes!!! he's a cute!

Anonymous said...

too cute!

oh and p.s. I miss you

Kelly said...

What a day that was! Jamin, you're a true friend to still love me after my attitude that day. And yes, he is a cutie with his Daddy's true, blue eyes!