Tuesday, February 13, 2007


One of our favorite things to do when Andrew and I were kids, was to go sliding after dark. There is something about it that is alot more exciting than sliding in the day time. It may sound evil,but it also meant that none of the little kids would be coming out. So Andrew and I could have the hill all to ourselves. Plus our Dad would usually come out,and and that made it even better.
Well, tonight all of us kids went out again,and it is still alot of fun. You can't just go down the hill,you have to try to hijack each other,and whoever reaches the bottom first wins. Sometimes it's not about winning, it is about stopping somebody else. And I tried to snowboard......I tried. It is pretty bad when Hannah can go down the hill all the way,and I thought I was doing good if I made it half way.........Oh well..........


Andrew said...

Yes, those are good times that I'll take with me wherever I go.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man ~ That's great! Jamin, I want to see you snowboarding!!!

See, you could probably teach me a thing or two...

Prouty said...