Tuesday, February 20, 2007


With this last snow storm, the snow banks were pushed up against the edge of the fence,and of course they were really high. We were all thinking that it would be another barrier to keep the horses in. The horses had other ideas though. They thought it was great fun to climb over the snow banks and travel wherever they wanted to. My horse Saylor (a.k.a. Ain't Misbehavin) thought it was great to get out and get into one of the feed sheds and eat almost a 5 gal. bucket full of beet pulp. Fortunately he survived to continue his reign as king of all horses who can be jerks but you can't stop loving them. Horses................


Prouty said...

Why no comments--we all must think the same-what a great looking boyfriend!!!!

Anonymous said...

oooooooooh harsh!