Thursday, February 15, 2007

Yesterday, as there was nothing else to do, us girls watched A Walk to Remember.One thing about the movie has really got me thinking. The girl is a good christian girl,and the guy is a rebel. After spending some time with her though he begins to change,and they eventually start to date. She is dying of leukemia,so they get married,and shortly after she passes away. All this time though he is not saved. He becomes a better person, but not a christian.
So, I guess what I've been thinking about is: Is it ever ok to date or marry a unsaved person? Or would you date a person who is not a believer,but not marry them. That sort of throws the whole reason for dating out the window.
In this situation it is different though,she knew that her time was short, and they really loved each other. After thinking about it, I'm still not positive,but I think it depends on the circumstances.
It was a great movie anyways............


Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Essentially I don't see anything immediately wrong with dating a non-believer, but I do see something wrong with marrying one.
I think the evangelical sub-culture places too much stress on romance and dating.

I portray my faith in many avenues. As a co-worker, friend etc., but I am also by nature and nurture a romantic person that could very easily see himself having a relationship with an unbelieving girl that was more than a friendship based on mutual attraction...much like I am thrust into deeper friendships with non-believing males despite our difference of faith.
Sometimes I think when you meet someone you're attracted to you just relate to them within that vein.

Romance is a way to express a human element.

Also, I'm sure I've dated "Christians" that weren't actually believers.

But in the end, a girl that doesn't believe in Jesus is just unattractive to me on the base level. Like a disfigurement or something.
Bad breath.

Just doesn't float my boat.

jamin said...

I don't think it is wrong to date an unbeleiver,but I think I would be very careful because I don't think it is right too marry them. But then what is the sense of possably falling in love if you are not going to marry the person.
Also I have grown up knowing that marrying an unbeliver was being unequally yoked,so the thought of dating an unbeliver never really ocurred to me.
So I guess I have come to the conclusion that I wouldn't want to even put myself in a situation I might have a hard time getting out of.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Ah, I got you and agree.

I thought you meant going on a date with an unbeliever, not making an unbeliever your steady.

jamin said...

Ok it is totally crazy that I spelled unbeliever wrong three times and two different ways!!!!

Andrew said...

I cannot say that I wouldn't date an unbeliever,but I doubt very much that I would go as far as marry one.
I just don't think I could let the relationship carry on for that long unless the girl was very open to salvation and was close to becoming a believer herself.
In the end, if I was about to embark on a serious romance with a girl that was inevitably going to end in marriage I would be very careful to make sure that she was a christian. That assurance would take care of a host of problems right off the bat to leave me stranded with the biggest....marriage itself.

Prouty said...

Praise God Matt did what God intended-Because I would probably still be lost------He loved me as Jesus loves me and I am saved and I am in a Great relationship with my spouse and with The One and Only King-Jesus!!!!! Praying and not making up ones mind to fast may lead you where you never thought you would go-and closer to a real true relationship!

Prouty said...

Matt says, lovem and leave um. Unless they are hot like Sherri.

jamin said...


The Ethan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Ethan said...

I agree with Andrew when he said "That assurance would take care of a host of problems"

Anonymous said...

Yes, so I wrote this entire deep and profound comment for this only to forget to type in the stupid "word verification." Of course, I only realized this AFTER I hit the back button.

Take 2:

Wait, I have to say that first of all, Matt makes me laugh. (no, that was NOT the deep and profound idea)

Actually, none of it was really that profound, but here it goes...

Take 3:

Sherrie, I couldn't agree more about praying and not making up your mind too quickly!!

So here's my idea on the rest of the story: If, as Jamin/Bekah and I talked about, I needed a date for a group thing (i.e. dance, dinner, whatever)...I wouldn't have a problem going with a non Christian, provided he maintained respect for himself as well as me.

Other than that, I can't see myself really going out with a non believer. Even if it was "just for dinner", if he said the word "date", we'd better be on the same page. Relationships are a lot of work ~ As Jamin mentioned, what's the point in putting that much time and energy into someone if you know that they're not right for you?

Then there's the idea that if you don't marry that person, someone else probably will...In other words, you're dating someone's future spouse. It just puts it in a totally different perspective

Pam Stenzel (speaker) was once talking about how we think about "the perfect guy" or "the right girl"... We have no problem coming up with qualities and characteristics that we would want in a relationship.
And even though it's important to know what we're "looking for", we really need to stop for awhile and think about why that person would want us...What can we work on to become that Godly individual (in regards to relationship) It was just something that really stuck with me.
